History of the IAJ

The Institute of Actuaries of Japan is a public interest incorporated association with over a century of heritage and tradition.

The IAJ has been engaging in a vast range of activities since its founding in 1899, ranging from researching and advancing actuarial science to educating and training actuaries and facilitating professional and cultural exchange with overseas actuarial organizations.

IAJ Timeline
1899 The Institute of Actuaries of Japan established
1925 25th anniversary of IAJ
1936 IAJ started qualifying examination for fellowship
1939 The Insurance Business Act revised
- Hoken Keirinin (Appointed Actuary) system introduced
Life Insurance companies joined the IAJ
1941 IAJ Newsletter began publication
1949 50th anniversary of IAJ
1959 Postal Life Insurance Bureau, National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives joined as supporting members
1963 IAJ incorporated
1964 Trust Banks joined as supporting member
1970 IAJ launched ASEA seminar for East Asian Countries
Non-life Insurance companies and General Insurance
Rating Organizations of Japan joined as supporting members
1972 IAJ began offering actuary training courses
1974 75th anniversary of IAJ
1976 20th ICA held in Tokyo
1979 Special seminar for overseas actuaries (currently IAJ Overseas Training) held
1988 Nenkin Sūrinin (Certified Pension Actuaries) introduded
1990 Banks joined IAJ as supporting member
Actuary Journal began publication
1992 IAJ began hosting Actuary Seminars
1994 IAJ established the Actuary Code of Conduct
1995 8th EAAC held in Tokyo (currently AAC)
Life Insurance Mortality Table 1995 formulated
1996 IAJ became a full member of IFAA(IAA)
1997 New logo adopted
1999 100th anniversary of IAJ celebrated
IAJ Centenary Convention
IAA meeting hosted in Tokyo
ASTIN/AFIR Colloquia held in Japan
2000 IAJ classified as a Designated Association under the Insurance Business Law
2006 Standard Mortality Table 2007 formulated
2007 14th EAAC held in Tokyo (currently AAC)
2012 IAJ started qualification for CERA
2013 IAJ adopted current slogan "Think the Future , Manage the Risk"
2017 Standard Mortality Table 2017 formulated
2019 120th anniversary of IAJ celebrated
120th Anniversary Annual Meeting
IAJ hosted the International Actuarial Association (IAA) meeting in Tokyo